<RuleName>Site database SQL version less than 7.0 SP3</RuleName>
<RuleDescription>Verifies that the site database is running on SQL version 7.0 SP3 or higher.</RuleDescription>
<FailureDescription>Could not execute SQL query.</FailureDescription>
<RuleName>Collation of temp database and SMS database should be the same</RuleName>
<RuleDescription>Verifies collation of temp database and SMS database are the same.</RuleDescription>
<FailureDescription>Could not execute SQL query.</FailureDescription>
Eine genauere Untersuchung des Problems ergab, dass für diese beiden Tests folgende SQL-Queries verwendet werden:
select attribute_value
from master..spt_server_info
where attribute_name=’DBMS_VER’and attribute_value not like ‘Microsoft SQL Server 2000 %’
select attribute_value
from master..spt_server_info
where attribute_name=’DBMS_VER’ and ((attribute_value not like ‘Microsoft SQL Server 2000 %’ and attribute_value not like
‘Microsoft SQL Server 7.00 %’) or (attribute_value like ‘Microsoft SQL Server 7.00 %’ and attribute_value < ‘Microsoft SQL Server 7.00 – 7.00.961’ and attribute_value not
like ‘Microsoft SQL Server 7.00 – 7.00.1%’))
Unter SQL 2005 gibt es aber spt_server_info nicht mehr, so dass der DRW (fälschlicherweise) einen Fehler meldet.