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SQL Server 2008 is now supported on Configuration Manager 2007 RTM and SP1
System Center Configuration Manager 2007 (RTM and SP1) now supports the use of SQL Server 2008 as a site database. In order to upgrade a site-server database to SQL 2008 there are 2 hot fixes required:
· ConfigMgr 2007 RTM customers must apply hot fix KB955229
· ConfigMgr 2007 SP1 customers must apply hot fix KB955262
The following are requirements when performing a clean install on a SQL Server 2008 database:
· A clean install of ConfigMgr 2007 RTM on a SQL Server 2008 database is not supported. You must first install SQL Server 2005, upgrade to SQL Server 2008 and then apply hot fix KB955229
A clean install of ConfigMgr 2007 SP1 on a SQL Server 2008 database is supported, but should apply hot fix KB955262