ConfigMgr 2012 bietet seit der RTM-Version die Möglichkeit an, alle Clients automatisch auf eine neuere Version zu aktualisieren. Die Einstellungen dafür findet man unter Verwaltung -> Übersicht -> Standortkonfiguration -> Standorte -> Hierarchieeinstellungen. In der RTM-Version war diese Funktionalität schlicht unbrauchbar (Bug). Seit Service Pack (SP) 1 ist dieser Fehler behoben und die Funktion tut genau das, was sie soll. Allerdings ist es – je nach Umgebungsgröße – nicht empfohlen, mit dieser Methode alle Clients zu aktualisieren:
“Because you cannot restrict which distribution points are sent the upgrade package or which clients are sent the deployment, use automatic client upgrade with caution and do not use it as your main method to deploy the client software.” (
“Automatic client upgrades are useful when you want to upgrade a small number of client computers that might have been missed by your main client installation method. For example, you have completed an initial client upgrade, but some clients were offline during the upgrade deployment. You then use this method to upgrade the client on these computers when they are next active.
Note: For System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 only:
Performance improvements in Configuration Manager SP1 can allow you to use automatic client upgrades as a primary method of upgrading the client. However, the performance of this method might be affected by the infrastructure of your hierarchy, for example, the number of clients.” (