Unter ConfigMgr 2012 R2 kann es beim OSD zu folgendem Fehler kommen:
401 – Unsuccessful with anonymous access. Retrying with context credentials.
Using thread token for request
401 – Unsuccessful with anonymous access. Retrying with context credentials.
Network access account credentials not supplied.SendResourceRequest() failed. 80190191
Download() failed. 80190191.
DownloadContentAndVerifyHash() failed. 80070002.
Dies passiert, wenn man ein altes Boot-Image (non-R2) verwendet. Hinweis gibt die Meldung “Network access account credentials not supplied“. Es war/ist definitiv ein Network Access Account definiert. Allerdings bietet R2 die Möglichkeit, mehrere NAAs anzugeben. Alte Boot-Images (bzw der darin enthaltene ConfigMgr-Client) kommt damit nicht zurecht.
We are having the same problem, with the same error message – except with the NEW boot media.
We upgraded from SCCM 2012 SP1 (ADK 8.0/MDT 2012) to SCCM 2012 SP2 (ADK 8.1/MDT 2013).
We get this error message using any newly created SP2 boot media (whether MDT boot media or just ADK boot media).
It simply cannot communicate with the NAA.
Only when we boot with SP1 boot media can communication with NAA take place.
Call has been with Microsoft PSS for two weeks now, they have nothing.
Torsten, a few of us are having major OSD issues regarding this NAA error.
can you help? I have re created the boot images but that has not solved the problem.. the forum post explains.
Thank you